It’s normal for your new piercing to be a little red, discolored, and tender initially; no worries!
Because your piercing will swell, your initial jewelry will have extra room to accommodate the inflammation. It’s very important to downsize the jewelry as instructed by your piercer! Failure to do so can lead to healing complications.
Rinse your piercing well under clean, warm, running water daily while in the shower. Additionally, use a sterile, premade saline solution (such as NeilMed Wound Wash) to gently cleanse your piercing 1-3 times per day. You may use nonwoven gauze soaked in saline to carefully wipe away discharge or crusties, preferably after a warm shower.
Do NOT use any other products on your piercing, including alcohol, peroxide, contact lens solution, Bactine, tea tree oil, antibacterial soap, or any cleansers containing chemicals.
For oral piercings, rinse your mouth thoroughly with plain bottled water after eating, drinking, smoking, etc. Avoid sticky gum, and get a new soft-bristled toothbrush! If you use a mouthwash, limit to 1-2 times per day, and make sure it’s alcohol-free.
Avoid rotating, spinning, or otherwise moving your jewelry around in the piercing channel. Playing with your jewelry, getting it hit or pulled, sleeping on it, and changing the jewelry to soon can all lead to irritation, excessive swelling, and the dreaded piercing bump!
Avoid submerging your new piercing in potentially dirty water, such as pools, jacuzzis, bathtubs, etc. Showering is important, but be sure to rinse well in case soap comes into contact with your piercing.
No dirty hands! You should avoid touching your piercing, and thoroughly wash your hands before cleaning it.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your piercer. Don’t listen to bad advice from your friends or the internet—they mean well, but there’s a reason why we’re the professionals!